Exercise With Oxygen Therapy - EWOT
This therapy is backed by substantial German research that demonstrates that the administration of oxygen while exercising promotes a lasting expansion of constricted capillaries that enhances perfusion of congested capillary beds. The squamous cells making up the endothelium of capillaries tend to swell when deprived of oxygen, creating a sort of vicious cycle, as the swelling prevents further oxygenation.
Light exercise opens the arterioles, and the oxygenated blood can then begin the process of reducing the swelling in the capillary endothelium. This allows the entrance of more oxygenated blood, which creates a positive cycle of reduced inflammation and enhanced oxygenation. Research indicates that repeated administration of EWOT can lead to a lasting reduction of endothelial swelling and promotion of peripheral circulation. Our clinical experience indicates that EWOT is particularly useful in the treatment of peripheral neuropathy. It has also proven useful in the reduction of swelling in the nasal passages and sinuses, making it a therapy of choice in chronic sinusitis.
The most important characteristics of Oxygen Multistep Therapy are the well-aimed, time-restricted and by measurement controlled oxygen supply via the respiratory tracts combined with medicamentous and physical steps which finally improve the oxygen-uptake and the oxygen-utilisation within the tissue.
After the end of the treatment a measurably increased energy status will stay for months. The increase can be tested via the “Physical Working Capacity-Test” (or others).
As a sufficient energy supply is an indispensable prerequisite for the normal functioning of all organs of the human body, the type of therapy (reducing the lack of energy) explained here has to be of extraordinary universal character.
Some Indications of Oxygen Multistep Therapy
- In the Prophylaxis
- Reduction of susceptibility to disease
- Cancer and cancer relapse prophylaxis (stabilization of immunodefense)
- Increase of general circulation stability
- Conditioning at permanent job stress (restorative training for manager)
- Conditioning before predictable intensive physical or psychical stress(operations, delivery, several hours of artistic, political or sporting events)
- Conditioning after intensive stress to minimize the aftermaths (danger of heart attack also in younger years, fatigue, difficulty of breathing, reduction in vitality and so on)
- Increase of mechanical performance reserve strongly reduced at ripe old age and therefore increase of individual expectation of life (reduction of the „biologic age“ by average 10 years)
- Intensification of holiday effect by treatment during holiday period
- Fighting Illnesses and Suffering
- Amelioration of degenerative phenomenon’s in area of eye
- Reduction of frequency of angina-pectoris attacks by support of perfusion of coronary vessels in coronary heart disease
- Strengthening of inspiratory muscles in pulmonary emphysema
- Amelioration of bronchial asthma and shortness of breath
- Influence on certain liver diseases, support of detoxifying function of liver at toxic load
- Combating circulatory disorders in extremities (intermittent claudication, prevention of amputations)
- Reduction of frequency and severity of migraine attacks
- Acceleration of wound healing / contribution to renormalizing low blood pressure
- Acceleration of rehabilitation after serious illness (after heart attack, operation, infection, intoxication)
- Reduction of side effects and increase of the main effect of drugs
- Amelioration of toxic side effects of conventional cancer therapies (operation, radiation and chemo therapy)
- Increasing performance reserve reduced by a lack of exercise after serious illnesses (especially such as paralysis, arthritis, rheumatism and nursing cases)
Oxygen Multistep Therapy
Exercise with oxygen was pioneered by Manfred Von Ardenne. It is an inexpensive and simple therapy strategy which improves tissue oxygen delivery.
Von Ardenne wrote a book called Oxygen Multistep Therapy which is, by far, the seminal reference on oxygen therapy.
Ardenne describes how stress triggers durable inflammation - and how inflammation subsequently compromises health.
Ardenne described how plasma hypoxia triggers inflammation in the endothelial tissues, which sets up durable restriction to blood flow in capillaries.
More importantly he developed a method to quickly and durably fix it. The method is applicable individuals with a broad range of situations ranging from mild degenerate health to coma.
Blood leaves the heart in arteries and flows through a funnel network to tiny capillaries;
"Stress" disrupts the bloods ability to release oxygen at the tissues;
This causes inflammation in the capillary on the outgoing side of the capillaries;
Which further limits blood flow;
Which causes more stress;
And so on...
Reversal of the condition requires a sustained, but finite, elevation in plasma, (the fluid which carries red blood cells), oxygen level to turn off the capillary inflammation, and restore circulation.
Capillary venous inflammation is a contributory component of virtually all pathologies, and a functional limitation in virtually all healing responses.