Coffee Roaster

Coffee Roaster

Coffee can be a healthy part of your diet as long as it's used responsibly - studies have linked coffee consumption to lower rates of some important diseases including diabetes, and some cancers.

Assuming that fresher is always better, we have started roasting our own coffee at home using beans that we get from Deans Beans, which is one of the few places you can get organic, fair trade certified green coffee beans.

For roasting, we use a Fresh Roast SR700 from Home Roasting Supplies. It's relatively easy to use, and makes some very good coffee. Together they make a much better cup of coffee than store bought which probably has a higher amount of the antioxidant compounds.

My roast? We like it dark - take one third cup of your favorite beans, download this roast profile to your SR700 and hit go.
Our favorites:
Timor:Peruvian - Equal parts.
Papua New Guinea:Nicaraguan - Equal parts.